You can use these resources for your biblical counseling ministry. I hope they are helpful to you.
This is just a half page summary of the fear of man versus the fear of God.
I gave a fuller explanation for this in a blog post. It gives guidelines and warnings for pausing a hard conversation with your spouse.
These are the filled in notes for a workshop I do on worry, anxiety, and fear.
This is just a simple form I use weekly to assign projects for the counselee. Sometimes I’ve had them printed in duplicate so I can give a copy to the counselee, but most times I just make a copy after I’ve filled it out so that I can keep one.
This is just what you think it is, a way of taking notes during a counseling session. I use this for every counseling session. It allows me to plan the session and organize information during the session.
I use this list of questions by circling about 8-10 that I especially want the couple in front of me to answer. I assign it as homework, and we discuss their answers at the next session.
This takes the fruit of the Spirit, explains each one briefly, gives some sample applications, and then allows the counselee to develop their own applications.
This gives a brief definition of each of the characteristics of love from 1 Cor 13 with space for a personal application.
I’ve taught through this with counselees to help them consider God’s control and care over their circumstances.
This helps me explain what I believe Scripture teaches about God’s will–what the process looks like and how a believer works through decisions.
A good friend of mine developed this to explain forgiveness. I’ve found it helpful.