Awed by Favor

This past week I had the joy of speaking at our state association’s campground for a Family Camp. I was the morning speaker which means my time was supposed to be more teaching and applicational than preaching. Besides my wife and I experiencing some fun activities like jet skiing, zip-lining, slip-n-sliding, etc., it was an immense privilege to share God’s truth with people. Sometimes I feel like pinching myself to see if it’s real. Why would God allow me or really, anyone, to share his eternal truth with others? How come I get paid to be a conduit of God’s instruction for his people? I can empathize with the Apostle Paul’s thoughts.

I thank him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord, because he judged me faithful, appointing me to his service…. 1 Timothy 1:12 (ESV)

Pastor, Christian worker, godly layperson, there are lots of disappointments in serving other members of the family of God, but don’t forget that you are also immeasurably blessed. That God would allow us… would entrust us with the perfect, trustworthy Word of God is an awesome stewardship and amazing privilege. Whether you are teaching 2s&3s, the senior saints, or anyone in between, you have the joy of sharing truth that came from God! We can say with the Old Testament prophets, “thus sayeth the Lord.” How incredible!

I’ve had people come up to me and thank me for teaching them God’s Word. I’ve had them tell me that it was exactly what they needed at that moment. This has happened many times in group settings, but also individually. It’s been senior saints, teens, college students, young parents, and others. Why would God let me have that privilege? It’s too much to fathom.

Marriages have been healed by the truth of God’s Word. Straying teens have come to Christ through the preaching of God’s Word. Relationships have been reconciled by believers that finally understand what Scripture says. And I get to be part of all of that. A tiny part—it’s always God’s grace that changes someone—but God uses willing instruments.

Do you get the favor that God has bestowed on you? You know you’re not giving financial advice like a broker, right? You’re not teaching the three Rs like an elementary teacher. You’re not teaching CPR like a first-responder. All of those are important, but none match the majesty and glory of telling people what God has said in his Word. I’m stunned by the glory of our God as Scripture describes him, and I get to share that same astonishment with others.

I’m awed by the privilege and responsibility. I hope you are too. Never forget the grace bestowed on you.